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Appendix D: Disorderly Conduct

Drake reaffirms the right of all persons to freely express opinions on matters of general concern, to assemble peaceably to discuss and present such opinions and to appeal for redress for real or imaginary wrongs. University regulation of the exercise of such rights is recognized to the extent that such regulation is needed to protect the rights of others or to preserve public order and to prevent direct interference with the normal function of the University. The following shall subject any person to consideration for disciplinary action:

  1. Conduct which is designed to interfere or which directly interferes with entrances to buildings or the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  2. Conduct which is designed to interfere directly, which has the natural tendency to interfere or which does interfere directly with classroom activities or other regularly scheduled activities of the University, the regular use of the educational facilities of the University, the privacy of the residence halls or the functioning of the physical plant.
  3. Conduct which shall result or shall be likely to result in injury to any person, whether a member of the assembly or not; to the property of any persons, whether a member of the assembly or not; or to the property of Drake University.
  4. Any student or group of students participating in a counterdemonstration shall in a like manner be subject to the provisions of the above consideration for disciplinary action.

Nothing in this policy shall limit the responsibility and right of authorized University officers to take temporary disciplinary action pending final judicial action in order to maintain order and to protect persons and property. Pending action on the charges, the status of a student would not normally be altered or his or her right to be present on the campus and to attend classes suspended, except for reasons relating to his or her physical or emotional safety and well being or for reasons relating to the safety and well-being of student, faculty or University property.

University Senate, May 21, 1969

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Distribution of Literature

  1. Literature may be distributed on campus by Drake students, faculty and staff. However, entrances to buildings shall not be blocked and people must be free to enter and leave the building without interference.
  2. Posting of notices or other materials should be on bulletin boards or in other places as designated by the Office of Student Life.
  3. Distribution of literature in University residence halls is permitted with the approval of the Office of Residence Life and the governing body of the residence halls.

Student Life Committee, April 7, 1972
University Senate, September 20, 1972

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All Campus Posting Policy

Last updated Spring 2006
Student Senate Public Affairs Committee and the Student Life Center

Universal Statement

Individuals and campus organizations have and assume full responsibility and liability for the signs which they post, and should realize that legal actions against persons for members of groups who participate in offensive action (defacement of posting etc.), intentional harm of emotional distress, or such other causes recognized and allowed by law may be possible.

All signs must comply with the Drake University policy concerning community, diversity, freedom of expression and harassment.

Individual cases deemed inappropriate, maybe handled by the department and/or college and maybe further directed to the Student Life Office and/or the Dean of Students.

Student Handbook Posting Policy Highlights

Postings that do not follow the Student Handbook guidelines will be removed, as deemed by each college/building.

Posting Requirement

Include the individual or organization and/or contact person with contact information on signs as well as the date and time of the event.

Materials For Affixing Postings

All posting (indoors and outdoors) must be adhered with painters tape.

Packing and duct tape are prohibited (removes the paint).

Posting Information

Student Senate elections posting guidelines are separate, and governed by the Student Life Center Offices and Elections Committee. Elections are regulated by a separate set of regulations.

Information for buildings/areas not listed in the policy above can be obtained from the building/department. The Universal Statement, student handbook policies and affixed materials still apply.

Questions relating to posting on campus should be directed to the Student Life Center Offices, Olmsted Center.

Campus Buildings

Aliber Hall

  • The College of Business and Public Administration recognizes diversity of opinion throughout the Drake Campus. We encourage students and university groups to utilize the appropriate resources of Aliber Hall to communicate and share their opinion. This is an important function of University life and expression of free speech. The CBPA also recognizes the importance of maintaining a professional appearance to Aliber Hall. Many professionals enter this building, both on campus and from the business community. Therefore,
    • signs, posters, brochures or any printed material on, near or in Aliber Hall may only be places on the four bulletin boards (located on each floor) or on the tables located in the second floor reception area.

    • Printed materials may NOT be placed on walls, windows, columns, patio surfaces, steps or any other area within the Aliber Hall complex.

  • This policy maintains a professional image for the College of Business and Public Administration and assures that students, faculty, and visitors can readily locate printed material.


Bell Center/ Drake Stadium/ Fieldhouse/ Knapp Center/ Wellness Center/ Tennis Center

  • The Assistant Director of Recreational Services or associate director of athletics and manager of all sports facilities must first approve all materials. Following approval, flyers and/or posters must be stamped and posted by a student monitor (with staples not tape- causes damage to the boards). Any flyer and/or poster that are not stamped will be removed.
  • Material is not censored, but a poster will be rejected if it violates any policy in the Drake Student Handbook, or if would/could potentially cause a health risk as determined by the Wellness Center (examples: ads for diet pills).

Bell Center
See Athletics


  • Door postings- clear with front desk first
  • Flyers/handouts in waiting area- clear with front desk first
  • Clean/remove posting 48 hours after of date expiration

Cartwright Hall
See Law School

Cline Hall Of Pharmacy And Sciences/Harvey Ingham Hall/ Fitch Hall

  • Posters may be taped (painters tape) to the painted walls.
  • Pillars maybe used (inside and outside)

Cowles Library

  • The library has two large magnetic boards in the main floor printing area for event announcements, classified ads, and organization/service announcements. Boards do not require approval to use, and magnets are provided.
  • Postings are not permitted in any other location within the library unless officially approved by the Dean of Cowles Library.
  • Items are NOT permit to be posted on the walls, doors, and floors. Exceptions include library staff office door postings, and library approved signs
  • If an organization would like to submit a display for the freestanding displays on the 1st floor or for the posters/wall hangings in the main door lobby, they may follow the "Cowles Library Exhibits Policy."
  • Cowles Library has a separate "Exhibits Policy," and available upon request.

Cultural Centers- 28th Street (BCC, LCC, CAYA/RU)

  • Postings are at the discretion of each individual house and/or designated individual(s).

Drake Stadium
See Athletics

See Athletics

Fine Arts Center (FAC)/ Harmon Fine Arts Center

  • Postings by an academic area or by a recognized student group or organization do not need approval. If they are not in accordance with Drake policy, they will be removed. Signs should be no larger than 11" x 17".
  • All signs must be hung on approved bulletin boards as some of the bulletin boards in the building are for the express use of a specific group or organization. These boards are marked "General." Nothing may be affixed to walls, doors or floors within the building. Nothing may be affixed to the outside walls of the building.

Fraternities and Sororities

  • Postings are up to each individual house and/or designated individual(s).

See Outdoors Posting

Howard Hall

  • Postings are allowed on the wall of the two stairwells. Must use blue painter's tape.


  • Outside publicity/advertisements must be cleared through Sodexo offices prior to posting (includes table tents and window painting).
  • Focus on Drake oriented publicity
  • Outdoors posters need to be removed a minimum of a week after the event date(s).
  • *all publicity material is "at your own risk"

International Center

  • Bulletin boards are for office use. All postings must be approved by an International Center staff person.

Knapp Center
See Athletics

Law School

  • All non-law affiliated postings need to be check with the Assistant Dean regarding where posting can occur. Posting notices can be left in #128.
  • Posting are prohibited on glass, brick, floors, or drywall. This applies to the outside and inside of the building. Posting on the walkways leading to Cartwright and Opperman, and the outside walls are prohibited.
  • The main bulletin board on the first floor of Cartwright Hall is a posting zone. Half of the board is designated for administrative postings.
  • Student mailboxes are folders are located on the Eastside of the main hallway between Cartwright and Opperman
  • The two post easels (foot of the stairs to the second floor of Cartwright Hall) are for law school related events and notices only.

Medbury Hall

  • All posting must be on the bulletin boards with thumb tacks (NOT stapled, taped, etc.) There are four large bulletin boards, two on each floor.
  • Anything taped to the windows, walls, or bricks will be taken down.

Meredith Hall

  • Clear all postings with the building office in Meredith 118.
  • Sections of bulletin boards throughout the building are designed for postings.
  • No materials may be posted on wood or painted surfaces, indoor or out.
  • All posted material must be removed within 48 hours of an event.

Old Main/Sheslow Auditorium

  • Promotion of campus events/organizations
  • Bulletin boards throughout the building are designed for postings.

Olin Hall

  • Postings need to be approved by the Biology Offices (downstairs) or the Psychology Offices (upstairs). Postings are reviewed on a case-by case. Specific bulletin boards are designated for themed postings only.

Olmsted Center/Pomerantz Student Union

Updated January 2005

  • Students, organizations, department offices and individuals must bring their posters to the Student Life Center office to be stamped and dated for display in Olmsted Center.
  • Approval criteria:
    • All signs must comply with the Drake University policy concerning Community, Diversity, Harassment, and Freedom of Expression.
    • Signs advertising alcohol will not be posted.
    • All signs must include a contact person name and phone number
  • Posting guidelines:
    • Signs must be posted using the magnets provided in the appropriate designated area: Campus Activities, Campus Organizations, Help Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Des Moines Businesses, or Des Moines Events.
    • NO SCOTCH TAPE ON WALLS, blue tape only.
    • The Student Life Center has two metal freestanding displays that can be reserved for one week's time.
  • Outdoor banners and signs:
    • All banners may be displayed on the sidewalks for a maximum of five days. It is the responsibility of the Club/Organization that posted them to remove the posters.
    • Only blue painter’s tape or masking tape may be used to secure outdoor signs. NO DUCT TAPE.

Outdoors Posting- On Campus Grounds

  • Posting are not allowed on light posts (due to paint damage).
  • Chalking is allowed.
  • Yard Signs are not allowed unless they directly support university services. Locations must be pre-approved by facilities in order to not harm underground utility services.
  • The "Materials for Affixing Posters," section provides specifics for adhering postings.
  • Specific buildings may list specifics for outdoor posting

Residence Halls

Distribution and Posting Literature in Residence Halls:

  • Campus Organizations, Offices, and Individuals
    • All signs posted by any University organization, department, office or individual must abide by the following criteria or be subject to immediate removal.
      1. All signs must comply with the Drake University policy concerning Community, Diversity, Freedom of Expression and Harassment.
      2. The individual or organization and/or contact person must appear on all signs as well as the date and time of the event and/or the date on which the sign is to be taken down and may not exceed one month from posting.
      3. Signs advertising the use of alcohol are not to be posted in the residence halls.
      4. Each hall staff will be responsible for designating the areas in the hall in which organizations and individuals may or may not post publicity. Building exteriors and glass surfaces, including mirrors and exterior doors, will be restricted in every hall. Each hall shall keep a list of designated posting areas at the front desk.
      5. Exceptions about the number and locations of signs will be made by the hall staff.
      6. Duct tape should not be used to post signs in the residence halls. Painter's tape and masking tape are the preferred adhesive tools. Packing and duct tape are prohibited (removes the paint from the walls).
  • Non-Drake Affiliated Organizations
    • Each residence hall's staff will designate a specific area(s) for posting of information from groups not associated with or recognized by the University. All postings from such organizations should be given to the Office of Residence Life in Olmsted to be distributed to the residence hall staff for posting. All rules for campus organizations and offices shall apply to non-Drake affiliated organizations.
  • Guidelines for Removal of Signs
    1. All signs must be taken down either after the advertised event has occurred or on the specified removal date (up to one month after posting).
    2. Residence hall staff shall be responsible for removing old/expired signs from their buildings at least once each week.
    3. Resident Assistants' involvement in the removal of postings shall be left to the discretion of the Office of Residence Life.

School Of Education

  • Generally 8 1/2" by 11" (typing paper size)
  • Placed on two bulletin boards located near each main entrance into SOE
  • Keep up approximately two weeks or until after event


  • Announcement Boards
    • Athletics managed
    • Sodexo managed
  • Postings allowed on brick. Use blue tape
  • Clear table tents and window painting with Sodexo offices in timely manner
  • All Publicity needs to be down/removed fully by a minimum of a week after event.

Studio Arts Hall
See Fine Arts Center (FAC)

Tennis Center
See Athletics


Drake's Office of Information and Technology department has a "Web Site Policy and Procedures" document that is available upon request.

"Student Handbook Posting Policy Highlights," section refers to web use.

Wellness Center
See Athletics

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025