ORAL PRESENTATIONS: There will be three ORAL presentations (selected by the DUSCI Faculty Advisory Board. All authors need to register for the conference including research mentors. Only the first author needs to submit the abstract. Use this link to register for DUCURS and submit abstracts. |
POSTER PRESENTATIONS: All authors need to register for the conference including research mentors. Only the first author needs to submit the poster abstract. Use this link to register for DUCURS and submit abstracts. |
ABSTRACT GUIDELINES: Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and must be submitted in Microsoft Word format using the guidelines listed below: |
1. Use 12 point Times New Roman font. |
2. Place one blank line after each of the following: abstract title, list of authors and affiliation (Department, College, etc). |
3. Center abstract title (use all caps and bold) author names and affiliation. |
4. Provide first and last name of authors, write Mentor in parenthesis next to faculty sponsor (s). |
5. Provide department and college. Include the name of the Institution if research was not done at Drake. |
Useful information about preparation of oral and poster presentations can be found at: WebGURU |